
The C API uses an opaque type sphericart_calculator_t to hold a reference to the C++ implementation of a SphericalHarmonics object. Several functions that mimic the methods of the class can be called to compute spherical harmonics and their derivatives.

/** @file example.c
 *  @brief Usage example for the C API

#include "math.h"
#include "sphericart.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    /* ===== set up the calculation ===== */

    // hard-coded parameters for the example
    size_t n_samples = 10000;
    size_t l_max = 10;

    // initializes samples
    double* xyz = malloc(n_samples * 3 * sizeof(double));
    for (size_t i = 0; i < n_samples * 3; ++i) {
        xyz[i] = (double)rand() / (double)RAND_MAX * 2.0 - 1.0;

    // to avoid unnecessary allocations, the class assumes pre-allocated arrays
    size_t sph_size = n_samples * (l_max + 1) * (l_max + 1);
    double* sph = malloc(sph_size * sizeof(double));

    size_t dsph_size = n_samples * 3 * (l_max + 1) * (l_max + 1);
    double* dsph = malloc(dsph_size * sizeof(double));

    size_t ddsph_size = n_samples * 9 * (l_max + 1) * (l_max + 1);
    double* ddsph = malloc(ddsph_size * sizeof(double));

    // float versions
    float* xyz_f = malloc(n_samples * 3 * sizeof(float));
    for (size_t i = 0; i < n_samples * 3; ++i) {
        xyz_f[i] = xyz[i];
    float* sph_f = malloc(sph_size * sizeof(float));
    float* dsph_f = malloc(dsph_size * sizeof(float));
    float* ddsph_f = malloc(ddsph_size * sizeof(float));

    /* ===== API calls ===== */

    // opaque pointer declaration: initializes buffers and numerical factors
    sphericart_calculator_t* calculator = sphericart_new(l_max, 0);

    // function calls
    // without derivatives
    sphericart_compute_array(calculator, xyz, 3 * n_samples, sph, sph_size);
    // with derivatives
        calculator, xyz, 3 * n_samples, sph, sph_size, dsph, dsph_size
    // with second derivatives
        calculator, xyz, 3 * n_samples, sph, sph_size, dsph, dsph_size, ddsph, ddsph_size

    // per-sample calculation - we reuse the same arrays for simplicity, but
    // only the first item is computed
    sphericart_compute_sample(calculator, xyz, 3, sph, sph_size);
    sphericart_compute_sample_with_gradients(calculator, xyz, 3, sph, sph_size, dsph, dsph_size);
        calculator, xyz, 3, sph, sph_size, dsph, dsph_size, ddsph, ddsph_size

    // float version
    sphericart_calculator_f_t* calculator_f = sphericart_new_f(l_max, 0);

        calculator_f, xyz_f, 3 * n_samples, sph_f, sph_size, dsph_f, dsph_size

    /* ===== check results ===== */

    double sph_error = 0.0, sph_norm = 0.0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < n_samples * (l_max + 1) * (l_max + 1); ++i) {
        sph_error += (sph_f[i] - sph[i]) * (sph_f[i] - sph[i]);
        sph_norm += sph[i] * sph[i];
    printf("Float vs double relative error: %12.8e\n", sqrt(sph_error / sph_norm));

    /* ===== clean up ===== */

    // frees up data arrays and sph object pointers
