
Python package (including PyTorch and JAX)#

The Python package can be installed with pip by simply running

pip install sphericart

This basic package makes use of NumPy. A PyTorch-based implementation can be installed with

pip install sphericart[torch]

This pre-built version available on PyPI sacrifices some performance to ensure it can run on all systems, and it does not include GPU support. If you need an extra 5-10% of performance or you want to evaluate the spherical harmonics on GPUs, you should build the code from source:

git clone
pip install .

# if you also want the torch bindings (CPU and GPU)
pip install .[torch]
# if you also want the jax bindings
pip install .[jax]

# torch bindings (CPU-only)
pip install --extra-index-url .[torch]

Before installing the JAX version of sphericart, you should already have the JAX library installed according to the official JAX installation instructions.

Julia package#

The native Julia package can be installed by opening a REPL, switching to the package manager by typing ] and then add SpheriCart.

C/C++/CUDA library#

First, you should clone the repository with

git clone

After that, you can install the C/C++ library as

cd sphericart/
mkdir build
cd build/
cmake ..  # possibly include cmake configuration options here
make install

(A C++17 compiler is required.)

The following cmake configuration options are available:

  • -DSPHERICART_BUILD_TORCH=ON/OFF: build the torch bindings in addition to the main library (OFF by default)

  • -DSPHERICART_BUILD_TESTS=ON/OFF: build C++ unit tests (OFF by default)

  • -DSPHERICART_BUILD_EXAMPLES=ON/OFF: build C++ examples and benchmarks (OFF by default)

  • -DSPHERICART_OPENMP=ON/OFF: enable OpenMP parallelism (ON by default)

  • -DSPHERICART_CUDA=ON/OFF: build the CUDA library (ON by default)

  • -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=where/you/want/to/install: set the root path for installation (/usr/local by default)

Without specifying any options, the commands above will attempt to install a static library inside the /usr/local/lib/ folder, which might cause a permission error. In that case you can change the destination folder. For example, cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/.local will be appropriate in the majority of cases.