The JAX implementation consists of the sphericart.jax.spherical_harmonics() function, which fits within idiomatic JAX code much better than the corresponding numpy or torch classes. The example shows how to compute spherical harmonics with the aforementioned function, as well as how to transform it with standard JAX transformations such as jax.vmap(), jax.grad(), jax.jit() and others.

import jax
import sphericart.jax

# Create a random array of Cartesian positions:
key = jax.random.PRNGKey(0)
xyz = 6 * jax.random.normal(key, (10, 3))
l_max = 3  # set l_max to 3
normalized = True  # in this example, we always compute normalized spherical harmonics

# calculate the spherical harmonics with the corresponding function
sph = sphericart.jax.spherical_harmonics(xyz, l_max, normalized)

# jit the function with jax.jit()
# the l_max and normalized arguments (positions 1 and 2 in the signature) must be static
jitted_sph_function = jax.jit(sphericart.jax.spherical_harmonics, static_argnums=(1, 2))

# compute the spherical harmonics with the jitted function and check their values
# against the non-jitted version
jitted_sph = jitted_sph_function(xyz, l_max, normalized)
assert jax.numpy.allclose(sph, jitted_sph)

# calculate a scalar function of the spherical harmonics and take its gradient
# with respect to the input Cartesian coordinates, as well as its hessian
def scalar_output(xyz, l_max, normalized):
    return jax.numpy.sum(sphericart.jax.spherical_harmonics(xyz, l_max, normalized))

grad = jax.grad(scalar_output)(xyz, l_max, normalized)

# NB: this computes a (n_samples,3,n_samples,3) hessian, i.e. includes cross terms
# between samples.
hessian = jax.hessian(scalar_output)(xyz, l_max, normalized)

# usually you want a (n_samples,3,3), taking derivatives wrt the coordinates
# of the same sample. one way to achieve this is as follows

def single_scalar_output(xyz, l_max, normalized):
    return jax.numpy.sum(sphericart.jax.spherical_harmonics(xyz, l_max, normalized))

# Compute the Hessian for a single (3,) input
single_hessian = jax.hessian(single_scalar_output)

# Use vmap to vectorize the Hessian computation over the first axis
sh_hess = jax.vmap(single_hessian, in_axes=(0, None, None))

# calculate a function of the spherical harmonics that returns an array
# and take its jacobian with respect to the input Cartesian coordinates,
# both in forward mode and in reverse mode
def array_output(xyz, l_max, normalized):
    return jax.numpy.sum(
        sphericart.jax.spherical_harmonics(xyz, l_max, normalized), axis=0

jacfwd = jax.jacfwd(array_output)(xyz, l_max, normalized)
jacrev = jax.jacrev(array_output)(xyz, l_max, normalized)
assert jax.numpy.allclose(jacfwd, jacrev)  # check that the two are the same

# use vmap and compare the result with the original result:
vmapped_sph = jax.vmap(sphericart.jax.spherical_harmonics, in_axes=(0, None, None))(
    xyz, l_max, normalized
assert jax.numpy.allclose(sph, vmapped_sph)